The People of Southwestern region

“Catching a fish to grilled – Preparing white wine feast for a distant friend” – A Vietnamese folk saying and proverb.

With just two short verses, we can vividly imagine the vast landscape of the Southwestern region of Vietnam with its friendly and hospitable people who highly value their sense of community. The people here are willing to shelter and assist lost travelers with their wholehearted sincerity, welcoming them with delicious meals and warm wine as if receiving a distant family member.

Perhaps that’s why the people of the Southwestern region are easily recognizable, no matter where they go. Their clear and melodious voices carry the sweet scent of the Tiền Hậu riverbanks. The simplicity blended with openness, the naturalness mixed with rustic charm, all flow silently in their blood and burn passionately in their souls, revealing themselves gently yet full of nostalgia.

We, the children of the Western region, carry within us the desire to preserve and share those distinctive and precious qualities. Please visit Somo Farm Cuu Long once, and we will have the opportunity to meet and welcome those “distant relatives” with all our warmth and appreciation.