Festival of the Western Region

The Mekong Delta is one of the culturally rich regions with a diversity of ethnic groups: from the Kinh people, Chinese, to the Khmer, Cham, and more, all have chosen this fertile land as their home. This is why the traditional beauty and distinctive customs here are exceptionally unique and fascinating. This uniqueness is most vividly expressed through special festivals: the Lady of the Mountain Núi Sam Festival, Tống Ôn Festival, Nghinh Ông Festival, Dolta Festival, Kathina and Chol Chnam Thmay festivals, among others. Among these, there are three festivals considered the specialties of this fertile, alluvial land: the Lady of the Mountain Sam Festival, Kathina Festival, and Chol Chnam Thmay Festival.

The Lady of the Mountain Sam Festival

The Lady of the Mountain Sam Festival is not only famous for its fascinating legend of the local deity but also attracts people with its profound spirituality. On this day, visitors can witness the ritual of bathing the Lady with rainwater mixed with perfumed water, changing her garments, and reenacting the procession of bringing the Lady down from the mountain summit.

Chol Chnam Thmay Festival

The Chol Chnam Thmay Festival is the traditional New Year festival of the Khmer people, also known as the "Festival of Chasing Age." This festival bears some similarities to the traditional Tet festival of the Vietnamese people. On this day, the Khmer people organize various exciting activities such as lighting sky lanterns and playing with firecrackers, among others.

Kathina Festival

For Kathina, the festival takes place to pray for a good harvest season, favorable weather, happy and peaceful families. People offer various items, including robes, bowls, and essential offerings. Alongside this, there are Sa-dam drumming teams, Ro-bam teams, and young girls and Buddhists arranged in two rows to parade to the temple and offer these items to the monks.

The festivals serve as a bridge connecting the cultures in this land of the dragon. Through them, travelers can clearly see the customs and traditions of the local people. If you have the opportunity, try experiencing these festivals once, and you will not only learn interesting things but also immerse yourself in a memorable and vibrant atmosphere. If you get the chance, let us at Somo Farm Cuu Long accompany you on your journey to experience the festivals of the Western region. We aim to cherish and make your life’s moments unforgettable.